World’s Smartest Dog Learns Over 1,000 Words

It has been reported that a six-year old female border collie named Chaser has set a world’s record for words learned by an animal by recognizing the names of over 1,022 individual toys. This eclipses the record held by Rico, a border collie from the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig, Germany. The previous “top dog” [ Read More ]
All of us have different obstacles to overcome in life. Each person has a different tikkun or soul adjustment to deal with based on what needs correcting from a past life. It is God’s call as to what needs correcting and He gives us obstacles to deal with as well as the prerequisite free [ Read More ]
Speculating on the spiritual link within DNA
Recent Findings Hints Quantum Physics Binds DNA In what would be a potentially explosive finding, a team of scientists at the National University of Singapore suggested that it is quantum entanglement that holds our DNA together. In quantum entanglement, two objects are connected by an invisible wave that allows them to essentially share the same [ Read More ]
Un”bear”ably Funny

Some people living in Colorado Springs, CO wondered why their water barrel was almost empty every day. They set up a couple of cameras and caught the following action below…
In their final blog post of 2010, the prestigious Malibu Beach Recovery Center, a leading faculty recognized for its unique holistic approach to drug and alcohol rehabilitation, offered up a glowing first hand account of medical intuitive Linda Freud’s revolutionary approach for working with addicts in recovery. The article was based on Linda’s successful treatment [ Read More ]